What is murder?
Sometimes it’s hard to tell
Sometimes it’s cold
Sometimes it burns like hell
Sometimes it comes down slow
Sometimes it comes down quick
Sometimes it’s best if you don’t know a goddamn thing about it
Sometimes its knocks so softy you can’t hear it at the door
Sometimes it screams so loud that it starts a war
What is murder?
Well you cannot always say
Sometimes they’re sorry
But it just had to be that way
Sometimes it comes up from below
When the talk gets slick
Sometimes it comes down from above from a policeman’s stick
Sometimes it takes a seat down in an empty chair
Sometimes it’s crawling up the walls
Sometimes it’s everywhere
Would you believe that that man he was a man who had a home?
And that man had a wife and that man and wife had a child
And now that child was just sitting around
Waiting for her daddy to just walk back through the door lift her high up off the ground
What is murder?
It just ain’t always clear
Sometimes its far away
Sometimes it’s way too near
Someday it might be me
Someday it might be you
Cause if they really done it just ain’t that hard to do
Sometimes it’s a secret that you take down to your grave
Sometimes it’s a flood that washes everything away
Music and lyrics by Benjamin Adair Murphy ASCAP 464341364 Watery Grave Music ASCAP 396517127
ASCAP work ID: 908965262